Wednesday, July 26, 2006

jFreeSafe updates

I had been thinking for a while now to sit down and make some updates to jFreeSafe, and today I finally did it. The changes in themselves are nothing particularly exciting or difficult, but they were just 'nice-to-have'-s that I wish I had when I first installed the application.

My initial take was to modify the existing PasswordEntry and make the password field there to be a TextField.ANY and make it a bit longer, so that I can store more unstructured information. Actually, I used it to store CC stuff in it. Now, with the new entries, here is how it plays out:
1. CreditCardEntry : has detail fields for a bunch of common properties for a credit card (e.g. CC#, exp date, customer service number, etc).
2. NoteEntry: basically, a very generic note that has a name and allows for a long, unstructured note (actually, each entry has a long last field to allow any unforeseen types of data to be stored in it)

Below are the screenshots:

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